Blog: Science in the Talmud

אַחֵינוּ כָּל בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל

הַנְּתוּנִים בַּצָּרָה וּבַשִּׁבְיָה

הָעוֹמְדִים בֵּין בַּיָּם וּבֵין בַּיַּבָּשָׁה

הַמָּקוֹם יְרַחֵם עֲלֵיהֶם

וְיוֹצִיאֵם מִצָּרָה לִרְוָחָה

וּמֵאֲפֵלָה לְאוֹרָה

וּמִשִּׁעְבּוּד לִגְאֻלָּה

הָשָׁתָא בַּעֲגָלָא וּבִזְמַן קָרִיב

Niddah 55b ~ The Nasolacrimal Duct

Have you ever wondered why, when you cry, you need to blow your nose? Today we find out the answer. The Talmud is currently discussing which kinds of bodily fluids are capable of transmitting ritual impurity in a person who has gonorrhea (called a zov). After declaring that nasal mucous transmits impurity, the next problem is do define what exactly is meant by nasal mucous (מי האף)?

נדה נה, ב

מאי מי האף ? אמר רב בנגררין דרך הפה לפי שאי אפשר למי האף בלא צחצוחי הרוק ור' יוחנן אמר אפילו בנגררין דרך החוטם אלמא קסבר מעיין הוא ורחמנא רבייה

What are these nasal fluids? Rav says: This is referring to fluids that are emitted via the mouth of a person. They are impure because it is impossible for the nasal fluids to flow through the mouth without containing traces of saliva, which are impure. And Rabbi Yochanan says: The baraita is referring even to fluids that are emitted via the nose. Evidently, Rabbi Yochanan maintains that nasal fluids are categorized as a flow of bodily fluids, and the Merciful One included it among the impure bodily fluids of a zav…”

Choose your ophthalmologist Carefully

Things get a little more complicated when the Talmud takes a surprising turn, citing a teaching that warns against having an idolator treating a Jew with an eye salve. This would cause blindness, since the Talmud thinks that the idolator would undoubtedly use a poison that would blind the Jewish patient.

If you were unlucky enough to find yourself in this predicament, there is a solution, at least according to Rav Chiyya bar Gurya: you can suck the poison from your eyes into your mouth and spit it out (יכול לגוררן ולהוציאן דרך הפה).

Rashi tries to explain the anatomical process:

דסבר אם נתן העובד כוכבים לתוכו סם המות יכול לגוררו ולהוציאו דרך פיו כדרך הרוקקין שמושכין מי האף בפיהם ע"י רוח נשימתם לגופן

He believes that…the poison can be removed by drawing it into the mouth. Just like someone who spits snorts the nasal mucous into their mouth by breathing in.


There is indeed an anatomical connection between the eyes and the nose. It is called the nasolacrimal duct, and its job is to collect the tears from around the eyes and channel them down into the nose. Our tears are present all the time, and not just when we cry. They protect and lubricate the front of the eye and remove dust particles from its surface. But they need to be disposed of. Hence the nasolacrimal duct.

The nasolacrimal duct is surrounded by a boney canal created by the maxillary and lacrimal bones and opens into the inferior meatus of the nose. From Tillmann B. Atlas der Anatomie. Springer. Berlin 2005.

The nasolacrimal duct is surrounded by a boney canal created by the maxillary and lacrimal bones and opens into the inferior meatus of the nose. From Tillmann B. Atlas der Anatomie. Springer. Berlin 2005.

When tears are produced, they are directed from the surface of the eyes into the nasolacrimal duct by the coordinated contraction of the muscle surrounding the eye. From there, collagen fibers that surround the duct twist and wring out the duct, in the same way you would wring out a wet pair of socks by twisting them along their axis. Like this:

How the eyelids direct tears down the nose. The surrounding orbicularis muscle closes from the lateral side towards the nose, moving the tear film to nasolacrimal duct. From Weber, R. ed. Atlas of Lacrimal Surgery. Springer Berlin 2007, 5.

How the eyelids direct tears down the nose. The surrounding orbicularis muscle closes from the lateral side towards the nose, moving the tear film to nasolacrimal duct. From Weber, R. ed. Atlas of Lacrimal Surgery. Springer Berlin 2007, 5.

However, the function of the nasolacrimal duct is not under conscious control. This makes the suggestion of Rav Chiyya bar Gurya (via Rashi) that you could “snort your tears into your mouth” difficult to understand. Because you cannot. That aside, today’s passage reminds us of the existence and function of the nasolarcrimal duct, to which perhaps you will now pay greater attention.

Giving thanks for Human Anatomy

Hidden in the Bodleian Library in Oxford is a manuscript of a prayer book copied by a German Jew called Chaim in 1327. And in that prayer book (Opp. 758, p436b-438b) is a section called Birkat Ha-Eivarim, “Blessings over the Organs” that contains thirty-eight blessings.

Blessed are You our God for my ears and their hearing

Blessed are You our God for my eyes and their seeing

Blessed are You our God for my spleen and for my kidneys and their warmth

These blessings never made it into the standard prayers we say today, and were written when the human body was certainly more mysterious and less well understood than it is today. The nasolacrimal duct is an organ of wonder too, and perhaps it is included in this, another of the blessings found in Birkat Ha-Eivarim.

Blessed are You our God for my eyelids and their blinking.


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Niddah 48a - The Effect of the Environment on Puberty

Continuing an exploration of all things pubertal, the famous Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel suggests that the onset of puberty depends on where you live. Rabbi Shimon thinks that it depends on your social-economic background.

נדה מח,א

תניא רשב"ג אומר בנות כרכים תחתון ממהר לבא מפני שרגילות במרחצאות בנות כפרים עליון ממהר לבא מפני שטוחנות ברחים ר"ש בן אלעזר אומר בנות עשירים צד ימין ממהר לבא שנישוף באפקריסותן בנות עניים צד שמאל ממהר לבא מפני ששואבות כדי מים עליהן ואיבעית אימא מפני שנושאין אחיהן על גססיהן 

It is taught in a baraita, with regard to the appearance of signs indicating puberty in young women, that Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says: In the case of young women who reside in cities, the lower sign [pubic hair] appears more quickly than the upper sign [breast growth], because they frequent the bathhouses, which stimulates the growth of the hair. By contrast, in the case of young women who reside in villages, the upper sign appears more quickly than the lower sign, because they grind with mills, which develops their breasts. 

Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar says: There are differences in the rate of development of the breasts. In the case of the daughters of the wealthy, the growth of the breast on the right side arrives more quickly than that of the left side, as it rubs against their upper body cloaks, which are worn by the wealthy. By contrast, in the case of the daughters of the poor, the growth of the breast on the left side arrives more quickly than that of the right side, because they draw jugs of water on that side. And if you wish, say instead that the left breast develops more quickly because they carry their younger brothers on their left sides.

Factors that influence Puberty

We have already learned that according to Rabbi Hiyya there is a relationship between body weight and the onset of puberty, a concept that has been firmly supported by modern research.  On today's page of Talmud Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel suggests that the environment can also influence the onset of puberty. And he was right. There is plenty of evidence from across the world that pubertal development differs between urban and suburban children.

In 1992 researchers compared the pubertal development of seventh graders in rural Iowa and suburban Chicago. They found that in general, the rural girls and boys were more developed than their suburban counterparts. A 2012 study published in the Annals of Human Biology found that there may be different demographic patterns in pubertal status among rural youth compared with urban youth in the US, but the researchers made it hard to figure out which group might be delayed.

Other studies comparing pubertal development among rural and urban youth, primarily from outside the US, consistently report a delayed onset of puberty in rural adolescents as compared to their urban counterparts. For example, a study published in 2000 examined "the prevalence of the first ejaculating emission" for 83,902 Chinese boys aged 9 through 18 years. It found a significant difference between urban and rural  boys and even plotted this out on a nice graph, shown below.

Prevalence of post- spermarcheal boys with ages in Chinese urban, rural, and their combined total group. From Cheng-Ye J. and Ohsawa S. Onset of the Release of Spermatozoa (Spermarche) in Chinese Male Youth. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 2000: 12;577–587.

Prevalence of post- spermarcheal boys with ages in Chinese urban, rural, and their combined total group. From Cheng-Ye J. and Ohsawa S. Onset of the Release of Spermatozoa (Spermarche) in Chinese Male Youth. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 2000: 12;577–587.

They also found that within a single ethnic group there were significant geographic variations; the age of spermache was later for boys living in the north (where it is colder and wetter) compared to those living in the south (where it is hotter and more humid). However, in contrast to the 1992 US study, the urban Chinese boys had a later onset of puberty. Go figure.

Urban and Rural Children in Kazakhstan and beyond

Another study examined “Puberty in modernizing Kazakhstan”and compared rural and urban children. It used the Kazakhstan Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KHAN-ES) that studied the effects of the living environment on the nutrition and health of urban and rural Kazakh children. In this study, the researchers reported the relationship between the environment, ethnicity and pubertal status in KHAN-ES children. They found that the environment had a strong influence on the timing of puberty. The rural children had a delayed puberty as compared with urban peers and this was especially evident at B2 and G2 stages

Something is going on. Perhaps rural adolescents have differential environmental exposures compared with urban or suburban adolescents, and some of these may change the rate of pubertal development. A study that examined the age of menarche (the first menstrual period) showed variability across many countries. In Israel, for example, the average age of menarche was 13.3 years; in Nepal it was 16.2 years. Here is what it looks like globally:

Variability of Ages at Menarche and Menopause. From here.

Variability of Ages at Menarche and Menopause. From here.

We still have a lot of work to figure out the complex interactions of all the factors that determine the onset of puberty. But both Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel and Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar were correct in linking the environment and socio-economic factors to the way in which our children develop into adults.

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Niddah 47a ~ Measuring Puberty in Girls, Boys, and the Underprivileged

We are in the middle of a long discussion about signs of puberty in girls. Yesterday we read a Mishnah that described the developing breasts of a young girl, and when they may indicate legal adulthood:

נדה מז,א

סימנין ר' יוסי הגלילי אומר משיעלה הקמט תחת הדד ר"ע אומר משיטו הדדים בן עזאי אומר משישחיר הפיטומת רבי יוסי אומר כדי שיהא נותן ידו על העוקץ והוא שוקע ושוהא לחזור

What are the signs that indicate grown womanhood? Rabbi Yosei HaGelili says: Grown womanhood begins from when her breast grows sufficiently so that a fold appears below the breast. Rabbi Akiva says: It begins from when the breasts sag onto the chest. Ben Azzai says: It begins from when the areola at the tip of the breast darkens. Rabbi Yosei says: It begins when the breasts have developed to a size where a person places his hand on the nipple and it depresses and it is slow to return.

The Talmud further debates these various stages of development, and cites Shmuel, the Babylonian physician who died in 254 CE.

אמר שמואל לא משיעלה הקמט ממש אלא כדי שתחזיר ידיה לאחוריה ונראית כמי שיעלה הקמט תחת הדד

Shmuel says: This does not literally mean from when her breast grows sufficiently so that a permanent fold appears below the breast. Rather, it means that the breast has grown enough so that if she were to stretch her hand behind herback, it would appear as though her breast has grown sufficiently that there is a fold below the breast.

It was necessary to have a similar measure of puberty in boys, as they matured into legal adults (and which today would predominantly mean that they are now capable of accepting their bar mitzvah gifts). Here is the discussion in another tractate, Kiddushin (from where some of this post was originally published.)

קידושין טז, ב

בן תשע שנים שהביא שתי שערות שומא מבן ט' שנים ויום אחד עד בן י"ב שנה ויום אחד ועודן בו שומא ר' יוסי בר' יהודה אומר סימן בן י"ג שנה ויום אחד דברי הכל סימן 

If a nine year old grows two hairs [in the pubic region] the growth should be attributed to a mole [and not as a sign of sexual maturity]. [If these hairs grow] from the age of nine years and one day until twelve years and one day, and they are still there [when the child reaches twelve, one opinion is that they should be attributed to a] mole, and Rabbi Yossi bar Rabbi Yehuda says they are a sign of sexual maturity. [If these hairs grow] when the child is thirteen years old and one day, then everyone agrees they are a sign of sexual maturity...(Kiddushin 16b)

This interest in the sexual development of children might be unseemly, but it had a very legitimate purpose. Certain legal rights are given to a woman once she reaches puberty and leaves the legal status of a child. It was therefore necessary to identify when, exactly a girl enters legal adulthood. Hence the talmudic discussion.

In a related vein, pediatricians and endocrinologists need to understand the natural process of puberty in order to identify a medical problem that needs treating. They too developed measures of sexual maturity, as we will see below.

Pre-Modern Descriptions of Puberty

The way in which children develop into adults has fascinated us for centuries.  In fact, the earliest surviving statement on human growth dates back to the sixth century BCE, (not long after the prophet Jeremiah lived) and is by the Athenian poet Solon. One critic described his poem as combining "scientific sense with philosophical probability (if not, regrettably, with poetic elegance)." Here is Solon:

A young boy acquires his first ring of teeth as an infant and sheds them before he reaches the age of seven years. When the god brings to an end the next seven year period, the boy shows the signs of beginning puberty. In the third hebdomad, [ a period of seven years] the body enlarges, the chin becomes bearded and the bloom of the boy's complexion is lost. In the forth hebdomad physical strength is at its peak and is regarded as the criterion of manliness; in the fifth hebdomad a man should take thought of marriage and seek sons to succeed him. In the sixth hebdomad a man's mind is in all things disciplined by experience and he no longer feels the impulse to uncontrolled behavior. In the seventh he is at his prime in mind and tongue and also in the eighth, the two together making fourteen years. In the ninth hebdomad, though he still retains some strength, he is too feeble in mind and speech for the greatest excellence. If a man continues to the end of the tenth hebdomad, he has not encountered death before due time.

Hippocrates believed that puberty could be delayed in areas where "the wind is cold and the water is hard". Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel (d. 70 CE) would have agreed, because he thought that the growth of pubic hair was hastened in those who used the bathhouse regularly.  But it is especially interesting to compare Aristotle's writings on puberty with those of the Talmud (which of course were codified several hundred years later).

In man, maturity is indicated by a change in the tone of the voice, by an increase in size and an alteration in appearance of the sexual organs, and also by an increase in size and alteration in appearance of breasts, and above in the hair growth above the pubes.

Aristotle (d. 322 BCE) seems to have put a lot of weight on the growth of pubic hair, just like the rabbis in the Talmud many years later. Galen, who died in 199 CE, was cautious about timing the onset of puberty: "Some begin puberty at once on the completion of the fourteenth year, but some begin a year or more after that" (De Sanitate Tuenda, or p288 of this translation). Jumping forward several centuries, we find that girls in Tuscany in 1428 were allowed to marry aged eleven and a half, although they were forbidden to live with their husbands until they were twelve. However the Bishop of Florence (later canonized as Saint Anthony) declared that cohabitation was allowed "provided the girl had reached puberty." 

According to Celia Roberts from Lancaster University in the UK, the first textbook on growth, written in 1729 by Prussian physician Johann Stoller, was entirely theoretical and contained no actual measurements of children. They were not measured until 1754, when the physician Christian Jampert presented a thesis based on measurements of children in a Berlin orphanage. Roberts continues:

In 1777 the first longitudinal study of growth was reported in George LeClerc Comte de Buffon’s Natural History. Based on measurement of his assistant Phillip Gueneau de Montbeillard’s son from birth to adulthood (1759–77), this study confirmed the concept of a ‘pubertal growth spurt’ and seasonal changes in growth rate. Some 60 years later Belgian mathematician Adolphe Quetelet combined a mathematical approach with empirical data on children’s growth, using data from measurements of his own children.

The Tanner Scale

Today, the stage of sexual maturity in children is most commonly measured using the Tanner scale, described by the British pediatrician James Tanner, who died in 2010.  (He wrote a fascinating History of the Study of Human Growth as a sort of a hobby, but his day job was working as a Professor at the Institute of Child  Health in London.)  Here is how Tanner described his scale in boys, (from his original paper published in 1970):

Stage 1: Pre-adolescent. The velus [sic] over the pubes is no further developed than that over the abdominal wall, i.e. no pubic hair.

Stage 2: Sparse growth of long, slightly pigmented downy hair, straight or slightly curled, appearing chiefly at the base of the penis. This stage is difficult to see on photographs, particularly of fair-headed subjects...

Stage 3: Considerably darker, coarser, and more curled. The hair spreads sparsely over the junction of the pubes.

Stage 4: Hair is now adult in type, but the area covered by it is still considerably smaller than in most adults. There is no spread to the medial surface of the thighs.

Stage 5: Adult in quantity and type, distributed as an inverse triangle of the classically feminine pattern. Spread to the medial surface of the thighs but not up the linea alba or elsewhere above the base of the inverse triangle.

Tanner also described five stages of breast development in girls, in a paper he published in 1969.

Stage 1: Pre-adolescent; elevation of papilla only.

Stage 2: Breast bud stage;elevation of breast and papilla as a small mound, enlargement of areola diameter.

Stage 3: Further enlargement of breast and areola, with no separation of their contours.

Stage 4: Projection of areola and papilla to form a secondary mound above the level of the breast.

Stage 5: Mature stage; projection of papilla only, due to recession of the areola to the general contour of the breast.

And here is the distribution of the age on reaching each of the various signs of puberty, at least as Tanner found them in his sample of 192 white British girls in the 1960s. It shows, for example, that most of the girls reached stage 5 breast growth (B5) a little after their fifteenth birthday.

Age on reaching various stages of puberty. B: Breast stage. PH: Pubic Hair stage. M: Menarche. PHV: Peak Height Velocity. The center of each symbol represents the mean, and the length is equivalent to two standard deviations on either side of the me…

Age on reaching various stages of puberty. B: Breast stage. PH: Pubic Hair stage. M: Menarche. PHV: Peak Height Velocity. The center of each symbol represents the mean, and the length is equivalent to two standard deviations on either side of the mean. From Marshall W. A. Tanner J.M. Variations in Pattern of Pubertal Changes in Girls. Archives of Diseases in Childhood 1969. 44:291-303.

There has been less discussion in the literature as to whether the appearance of pubic hair has advanced in females, although this does seem to be the case, pubarche having advanced by at least 6 months. The PROS study found stage II pubic hair to be apparent in African-American females at a mean age of 8·78 years and 10·51 years in whites.
— Slyper, AH.The pubertal timing controversy in the USA, and a review of possible causative factors for the advance in timing of onset of puberty. Clinical Endocrinology (2006) 65, 1–8

Tanner also described other signs of sexual maturity, since growth of pubic hair is not the only maker.  In boys for example, Tanner used a five-stage system for genital growth: in stage one, the  "testes, scrotum, and penis are of about the same size and proportion as in early childhood," whereas in stage two, "the scrotum and testes have enlarged and there is a change in the texture of the scrotal skin…"  Tanner noted that the stages of pubic hair development and the stages of genital development differ, so that a boy may reach full genital maturation sooner than he reaches stage five on the pubic hair scale.  

From Marshall A. Tanner JM. Variations in the pattern of pubertal changes in boys. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1970. 45: 13-25.

From Marshall A. Tanner JM. Variations in the pattern of pubertal changes in boys. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1970. 45: 13-25.

Tanner's work reveals what we already know intuitively. Maturity, whether sexual or emotional, is a process that takes time and proceeds through many stages. The rabbis of the Talmud relied predominantly on one marker of adulthood:  sexual maturity as evidenced by a minimal of pubic hair growth or growth of the breasts  But they used it in conjunction with the age of the child.  They also understood that the onset of these signs might be sooner in some children and later in others.

Sequence of events in puberty in girls (top) and boys. From Marshall A. Tanner JM. Variations in the pattern of pubertal changes in boys. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1970. 45:22.

Sequence of events in puberty in girls (top) and boys. From Marshall A. Tanner JM. Variations in the pattern of pubertal changes in boys. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1970. 45:22.

In most European countries, the age of the onset of puberty (as measured by the onset of menstruation) has fallen by about a year per century. Boys also seem to be developing earlier than previously, possibly by more than a year. Data from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) study of boys aged 8 –19 years suggests that the mean age of onset of male genital development based on visual inspection is now about nine years for African-Americans and ten years for white boys.

Another First?

Two years ago we analyzed talmudic statements of R. Hiyya (who lived in the second half of the second century,) and Rava (d. 350CE) who appear to have been the first to report an association between obesity and delayed puberty in boys.  They claimed that puberty may be delayed in boys who are underweight, and this association has now been confirmed. As we noted then, none of the researchers has credited these talmudic sages for being the first to notice these associations. But Rava and R. Hiyya were first, and firsts count for something in science.

Childhood Marriage

There were several reasons why the Talmud had to codify the stages of physical maturity.  Among these were to allow a father to decide to whom his daughter would marry.

A father who daughter is twelve years and a day is believed in order to marry the child off...(רמב׳ם הל׳ אישות ב:כג)

Today, any notion that a child under the age of twelve (or sixteen for that matter) would be mature enough to marry is utterly repugnant to us. But according to the UN in developing countries, one in every three girls is married before reaching the age of eighteen, and one in nine is married by the age of fifteen.  When we read the Talmud we often get a glimpse into a Jewish world very different from our own. But some practices of that world still exist outside of the Jewish community today, to the shame of us all. 

From United Nations Children’s Fund, Ending Child Marriage: Progress and prospects, UNICEF, New York, 2014.

From United Nations Children’s Fund, Ending Child Marriage: Progress and prospects, UNICEF, New York, 2014.

a final thought: the exploitation of the vulnerable for the sake of science

Although Tanner’s work was widely recognized for its importance, it had an ugly side. He began his study in 1948 at the Highfield Branch of the National Children’s Home in Harpenden, just outside of London, and it continued until 1971. It was remarkable for its attention to detail and use of modern scientific methods and approaches, but it systematically used only disadvantaged children as research subjects. None of this was illegal back then; it wasn’t even thought of as unethical. It was only with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Associations that informed consent for children by their proxies became a matter of public attention. In his work on the Harpenden study, Tanner did not describe any attempt to obtain informed consent from either the children or their parents or guardians.

Celia Roberts, the academic from Lancaster University, also notes “the significance of the disadvantaged social position of these children: living in a children’s home made it difficult to resist Tanner and Whitehouse’s scientific figurations of development.” And who were the the participants in this study?

Some were parentless children who had lived in the home since they were babies. Others – in increasing numbers as the study went on – were taken into the home “as the result of family breakdown.” They were all from working-class families and all had experienced (potentially traumatic) separation from familiar carers and surroundings. Some may have experienced abuse and/or neglect…

Any difficulties the children experienced in living at the national children’s home are effaced. The participants’ atypicality is constrained to their backgrounds which might, Tanner argues, affect the timing of their development (and hence the numerical values of their growth curves) but not its overall shape.

Reading this description of Tanner’s methods reminds us of those of another physician who used the weak and disadvantaged as his scientific subjects: none other than Shmuel. Here is what he did:

נדה מז,א

שמואל בדק באמתיה ויהב לה ד' זוזי דמי בושתה שמואל לטעמיה דאמר שמואל (ויקרא כה, מו) לעולם בהם תעבודו לעבודה נתתים ולא לבושה

Shmuel examined these stages in his Canaanite maidservant, and subsequently gave her four dinars as payment for her humiliation. The Gemara notes that in this regard Shmuel conforms to his line of reasoning, as Shmuel said that the verse: “You may enslave them forever” (Leviticus 25:46) teaches: I gave them to you for the service of slaves, but not for humiliation. Consequently, if a master humiliated his Canaanite slave, he must pay him damages.

Although they were separated by thousands of miles and almost two millennia, both Dr Tanner in London and Shmuel the Physician in Babylon used the vulnerable to further science in ways that were unethical. In fact Shmuel was perhaps the more enlightened of the two: he realized that what he had done to his young slave girl was wrong, and compensated her for it. That the Talmud recorded Shmuel’s acknowledgment is a reminder that the rabbis of the Talmud did not always use their positions of authority correctly. At the same time, it is also a reminder that sometimes they realized the error of their ways, and tried to make amends.

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Niddah 45a ~ The Youngest Mother in the World

Tomorrow we will read a bizarre and disquieting passage. In it, Yusteni, the grandchild of the Roman Emperor Antoninus, asked the great editor of the Mishnah, Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi at what age a girl is fit for intercourse as a means of betrothal, and at what age she may conceive a child. Let’s not attempt to identity this “Antonius,” (it is complicated) and focus on the reply. Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi thought that a girl may be betrothed by intercourse from the age of three years (and one day). However, he continued, she is incapable of conceiving until she is at least twelve years (and one day) old. To which Yusteni replied:

נדה מה, א

אני נשאתי בשש וילדתי בשבע אוי לשלש שנים שאבדתי בבית אבא

I married when I was six, and when I was seven I gave birth. Woe for those three years, between the age of three, when I was fit for intercourse, and the age of six, when I married, as I wasted those years in my father’s house by not engaging in intercourse.

Yusteni was not the only extremely young mother mentioned in the Talmud. In fact the Talmud in Sanhedrin (69b) entertains the possibility that a girl as young as six years of age could give birth to a child. And who could be the holder of such a record? It was Batsheva, the wife of King David.

Batsheva gave birth when aged six
ובת שבע אולידא בשית
— T. Sanhedrin 69b

Don't try this at home

Today we are going to do something that goes against a fundamental belief I have about Aggadah - (rabbinic stories and legends): that they should never be taken literally.   Instead, we are going to take these two passages of Aggadah literally. They suggest that a girl as young as six (Batsheva) or seven (Yustenai) can give birth. Is this suggestion in any way scientifically possible? You might be surprised.

The Youngest Mother in the World

 In May 1939 the French medical journal La Presse Medicale published a report from Lima about a little girl who had given birth to a baby at the age of only five years and seven months. Let me say that again. She had given birth to a baby when she was five years and seven months old.  Putting aside the monstrous child abuse that is at the heart of this story (if that is even possible to do), let's focus on the pregnancy itself.

Report from La Presse Medicale, May 31, 1939. The complete original is here.

Report from La Presse Medicale, May 31, 1939. The complete original is here.

The little girl in the picture is Lina Medina, then five months pregnant. She lived in Peru, and her parents had brought her to a hospital fearing she had a tumor in her abdomen.  Instead she was found to be pregnant, and six weeks later she gave birth by cesarian section to a healthy baby boy. She named her son Gerardo, after the chief physician Dr. Gerardo Lozada at the hospital where she was diagnosed. Her father was briefly arrested for child abuse but was later released. No charges were ever brought against her abuser, who Lina did not identify.  Lina later married and had a second son in 1972.

The New York Times, November 15, 1939.p9.

The New York Times, November 15, 1939.p9.

How do we know the story is true?

On November 15, 1939, The New York Times reported that the story had been authenticated by Dr S.L. Christian, the assistant surgeon general of the US Public Health Service. Christian had travelled to Peru, and while there he examined Lina.  There is also a case report from Dr Edmundo Escomel on the pathology of one of Lina's ovaries that had been removed at the time of her cesarian section. (For those of you who are French speaking pathologists, you can read it here.) The report notes that Lina had the ovaries of a fully mature woman, and that she likely had a pituitary disorder that caused her precocious fertility.   The story of Lina Medina has been authenticated by the fact-checking website Snopes, and there is a Wiki page about her (though having a Wiki page is not really proof of anything.)

Finally, there is a paper from a team at Hadassah Medical School in Jerusalem, published in Fertility and Sterility in 2009. The paper (titled At what age can human oocytes be obtained?) addresses the methods to remove and preserve eggs and sperm from young patients undergoing chemotherapy. "Increasing numbers of young cancer survivors" they wrote, "are experiencing infertility related to their past cancer treatment. Having children thus becomes an important issue for young cancer patients." One option to preserve fertility is to retrieve and preserve oocytes, which are the precursors to the ovum, the mature egg. The authors (who cite the pathology report on Lina Medina's ovary) report the successful removal of oocytes in girls ages 5, 8 and 10.  This report from Hadassah is of the youngest age for ovarian oocyte retrieval, and demonstrates that even in girls who show no signs of menarche (the onset of menstruation), it is possible to find oocytes that can mature into eggs.

From Revel A. et al. At what age can human oocytes be obtained? Fertility and Sterility 2009; 92 (2):458-463.

From Revel A. et al. At what age can human oocytes be obtained? Fertility and Sterility 2009; 92 (2):458-463.

Was Yustenai different, or lying?

Avraham ben Mordechai HaLevi (1650-1712) lived in Egypt and served as the senior rabbi in Cairo. In his work Gan Hamelech (The Garden of the King), he commented on the passage about Yustenai. He noted that the Talmud has two responses to her claim. The first suggests that the ability to have a child at the tender age of seven was limited to Gentiles. The Talmud cites a prooftext from Ezekiel (23:20)”for their flesh is the flesh of donkeys,” although it is unclear how that might prove anything. The second suggestion is that Yustenai was simply not telling the truth. This implies that it is simply not possible to conceive and carry a child at such a young age. The sage from Cairo rejected the second possibility, and found the claim of Yustenai to be plausible, but one was not biologically possible for a Jewish woman.

His conclusion was rejected by another Jewish scholar, Chayyim Yosef Dovid Azulai (1724-1806) known as the Chida. In his commentary on the Talmud called Petach Einayim the Chida thought that Yustenai’s story was simply implausible. He therefore supported the second possibility brought by the Talmud, which cited as a prooftext a verse from Psalms (144:8) “Whose mouth speaks falsehood, and their right hand is a right hand of lying.”

Neither sage was completely correct. We now know that there is absolutely no biological difference between Jews and Gentiles, so that means Avraham HaLevi’s conclusion is mistaken. And we also know that it is indeed possible for a girl of six or seven to conceive and carry a child. Just ask Lina Medina, who was younger than six when she gave birth. So Yustenai need not have been lying.

Back to Yustenai and Batsheva

It would appear that it is indeed possible for Yustenai, a first grader, and Batsheva, barely be out of kindergarten, to have given birth at age six or seven.  Today, their abusers would be arrested and locked up for a very long time. How fortunate are we not to have to take these talmudic stories literally, even if they are regrettably, entirely plausible.

The first group…accept the teachings of the sages in their simple literal sense and do not think that these teachings contain any hidden meaning at all. They believe that all sorts of impossible things must be... They understand the teachings of the sages only in their literal sense, in spite of the fact that some of their teachings when taken literally, seem so fantastic and irrational that if one were to repeat them literally, even to the uneducated, let alone sophisticated scholars, their amazement would prompt them to ask how anyone in the world could believe such things true, much less edifying. The members of this group are poor in knowledge. One can only regret their folly. Their very effort to honor and to exalt the sages in accordance with their own meager understanding actually humiliates them. As God lives, this group destroys the glory of the Torah of God and say the opposite of what it intended.
— Maimonides, Introduction to Perek Chelek, Chapter Ten of Mishnah Sanhedrin.

[Mostly a repost from here.]

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